Happy birthday to a great Politician: Obed Asamoah
Today, February 6th, 2025, is a significant day. It is the birthday of Obed Yao Asamoah, a Ghanaian lawyer, academic, and politician.
He was the longest-serving foreign minister and Attorney General of Ghana under Jerry Rawlings from 1981 to 1997.
Asamoah was educated at King’s College London and at Columbia University.
Read more: Today marks the birthday celebration of Bernard Ahiafor
During his secondary school years in Achimota, he had an eye-opening event in the political world as there was the fight for independence amid all the colonial rule and political disputes. He grew up to become a political figure in Ghana, being a member of the constituent assembly, member of parliament, Minister of foreign affairs, Attorney General of Ghana Minister for Justice, and the chairman of the National Democratic Congress.
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